Pass your H1B visa interview with help from a retired U.S. Visa Officer.

Learn the secrets of the H1B visa interview.

I know how U.S. Visa Officers think because I worked as one for nine years. I’ve interviewed hundreds of H1B applicants and can teach you what makes Visa Officers refuse visas and what makes us say “yes”.

Don’t go to your interview unprepared.

You only have one chance to convince the Visa Officer. Make sure you practice interviewing with me first. We’ll conduct mock interviews and I’ll teach you to avoid the mistakes that H1B visa applicants make over and over again.

Get honest answers

Don’t trust what you read online. Get the truth about the H1B interview from an actual, retired Visa Officer:

  • What are the most common interview questions and how should you answer?

  • What documents should you bring?

  • How many people are refused visas in your country?

  • What should you do if your visa is refused?

Interview with confidence

Spend 50 minutes with me and you’ll feel confident and prepared on your H1B interview day. We’ll coduct mock interviews with feedback, I’ll answer all your questions, and I’ll teach you the words and phrases that make Visa Officers say “yes”. Click below to schedule an H1B coaching session with a real, retired U.S. Visa Officer.